Sunday, March 30, 2008

What is Television ??

Television popularly known as TV is an inclusive terms which includes all the participants of Broadcasting Industry.

For a common man electronic equipment at their home, offices and other places showing the visual and audio content is TV or Television.

Thus a system or electronic means to telecommunicate is television.

It consists of:
Television programming: The Audio and Visual component in the form of moving picture and sound, prepared for a particular set of audience or viewer is called Programs. which are popularly known as TV program. The process of making these program is Television Programming.

Television Transmission or Broadcasting: Radio Broadcasting of analog or digital signal via a telecommunication system is called transmission

Television Sets: These broadcast are being received by Multi System Operator (MSO), Cable Operator or DTH set-top-boxes at homes and relayed to Television sets or TV of viewers.

The entire Industry is known as Television or Broadcasting Industry.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Program Producer
Advertising Agencies
Media & PR Agencies
Multi System Operator
DTH Service Provider
Cable Operator