Saturday, April 5, 2008

Origin of Television

Origin of The Word 'Television': The word 'Television' has an hybrid origin. It has been derived from two word i.e. 'Tele' and 'Vision'. The Greek word 'Tele' mean 'long distance' or 'Far' and Latin word vision means 'Sight'. The word was first used by 'Constantin Perskyi' in his paper in International Electricity Congress in Paris in 1990.

Origin of 'Television', The Technological invention: The invention of Radio by 'Guglielmo Marconi' was the foundation stone. However discovery of Photo-conductivity by 'Willoughby Smith' and Scanning Disk and first electromechanical television by 'Paul Gottlieb Nipkow' were other milestones. 'John Logie Baird' Demonstrated the first successful Broadcasting and working television System and also launched first television company. Later 'Philo Farnsworth' demonstrated the electronic television.

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